Local graphics
Local graphics resolution is used for configuration views with a local graphics source and also for tests.
You can view the logs the extension produces for the graphics resolution through the IG 3D
option in the output tab.

Things to keep in mind
The extension will try to load all informations from your disk. Any informations it can't find locally will automatically be retrieved from the ig.Creator database using the ig.Bridge.Server.
Currently scripts are not automatically compiled by the extension. When you haven't built or published script packages locally at all, the extension will automatically retrieve them from the creator.
To use your local script package version, you need to to compile it. See the packager documentation for further informations.
Debug scripts
You can debug Context and Evaluator scripts using this extension for the local graphics evaluation. In order to debug the scripts, you first need to compile them locally. Note: The scripts need to be compiled with IG.GFX.Packager version 3.0.21 or newer for the debugging to work.
Once you've ensured that the scripts were built locally, you enable the debug mode through the command Debug scripts

Afterwards you can set break points within your context or evaluator typescript files to inspect their execution. You can set a break point by clicking the empty space at the left side of the line numbers.

The next time you trigger a local graphics resolution, either by running a test or by graphics being reloaded in a local configuration view, the graphics resolution will halt at the break point you defined and allow you to inspect and step through your code.

Refer to the vscode documentation for informations regarding the debug ui.