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Data sources

The list of available geometries will be retrieved from the following sources. These sources are listed in their order of preference.

  • Geometries in the Geometries directory of the current workspace
  • Geometries in the Geometries directory of the basics workspace for the current workspace
  • ig.Creator Geometries for current scope
  • ig.Creator Geometries for Basics scope


Geometry name does not exist

The geometry could not be found in any of the available data sources and might not exist at all.

If it does exist within the ig.Creator, you may need to define some settings and/or clear the bridge informations cache using a vscode restart or the command Clear cached bridge informations.

Geometry name could only be retrieved from the ig.Bridge.Server, but was also expected to be available locally

This error is triggered whenever a geometry only exists in the ig.Creator, but not in your local geometries directory. You can resolve this error by downloading the geometry from the ig.Creator and adding it to the Geometries directory.